The Bioactive Plant Products Research Group, headed by Prof. Dr. Volker Böhm (adjunct professor), was founded in April 2006 with the start of the large EU-funded project LYCOCARD. Volker Böhm, coordinator of this research project with 15 partners from 6 countries, began working at the Institute of Nutritional Sciences at Friedrich Schiller University Jena in 1993. He assisted in establishing the chair for Human Nutrition, where he also acquired his additional qualification as a lecturer in Human Nutrition. Since the winter term 2009/2010 he has been in charge of the lectures in Food Science. With a focus on interdisciplinary research, food of plant origin, rich in secondary plant products, is investigated.
Institute of Nutritional Sciences
Bioactive Plant Products Research Group
Dornburger Straße 25
07743 Jena, Germany
Phone +49-3641-949700
Fax +49-3641-949702
agbap (at)