Saturday, July 27th 2024

Congratulations to Mario Schmidt!

19 July 2024

Mario Schmidt      Mario Schmidt

Arbeitsgruppe Mario Schmidt
Current and former members of the research group share the successful completion of the thesis.


61st Scientific Congress of the German Nutrition Society (DGE), Kassel, Germany, March 2024

Dr. Ahlam Al-Yafeai presents research results of biological effects which a compound isolated from tea hydrangea leafs reveals.

 DGE Kassel 2024     

19th International Symposium on Carotenoids, Toyama, Japan, Summer 2023

Our Master student Simon Fehn presents research results on high pressure processing investigations of kale and within a microemulsion.

Long Science Night, 25th November 2022

How do old and new apple cultivars differ from each other, and what changes the colour of red cabbage? The practical experiments attracted many visitors.

 Lange Nacht 2022       Lange Nacht 2022       Lange Nacht 2022

50. German Food Science Meeting in Hamburg, September 2022

Mario Schmidt presents results on the impact of high pressure processing on kale ingredients
